Thursday 26 April 2012

Cornwall day 11 and last day!

Snooker 5 - 0, making it 17 - 0 for me personally, but when I watch the guys on TV, I realise I'm still in the lower league!!

Short blog today, it has to be. We have been finishing off our presentations this morning and they start at 3pm. I have decided to tell the story of the rock pool but as from the mouth of a 3 year old limpet. I know it sounds crazy but the worse thing is when people start to fall asleep listening to you and this should be weirdly different. I've been pretending to be a limpet for the last 24 hours, but failed this morning when I had a shave and then ate a snickers bar.

I've had to research limpets and now know more about them than I do my own sister! It wasn't known how limpets ejaculate at the same time in their cluster groups, until an experiment was performed in an aquarium. The water was slowly heated and when it reached 75 they all came together, if you know what I mean. This proves nothing to me, they might have though that with rising temperatures they would shortly boil to death, and what else would you do under those circumstances? There's lots of other interesting things that I'll put on here after the presentation.
Carly and J at St Michael's Mount
So we leave at 6 a.m. tomorrow for the 8 hour journey back to beautiful Cumbria, and I'm told that the windscreen wipers will be working full time! It's been a very good trip, I've learnt plenty, had some good laughs with some really nice people and now it's the weekend off before we head to Romania!!!

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